Passin thru Zephyr

Passin thru Zephyr

Friday, January 1, 2010

Right now

It is 9:30 a.m. This is my first posting in the world of blogging.

It is now 9:31, and I wonder, "What do I say?"  So, I will start out with why I would venture into blogging.  An Earth Angel died.  It's that simple and that complicated.  Someone died and it awakened me, for today.  I know about death, or I should say that I have been tackled by death; the sudden death of my spouse, and that death unveiled a very immature 32 year old mother of two. I became a widow, in an instant.

I am now 51+ and I wonder, "Will I wait, until?  What am I waiting for?  What do I want? Why? When? Where?"

David Anthony Gentiles died on December 18th, 2009. I had seen him 4 days before and he was very much alive.  I can recapture his smile, right now, and the way he illuminated a room, because his smile was intoxicating.  I didn't know David as well as I wish I had.  You see he was on my, "I will get to know him better, later, list."  Grief and regret, I tell you I do hate these feelings. I do not like the word hate, but it does apply, at times, and this is one of them.

Blogging.  Well I have learned things about David, on his blog.   I have been so intrigued by the things you can get to know about a person, by reading their blogs.  So, I found myself sitting in my red rocker, with a cup of hot coffee, and reading about a man that I didn't get to know, alive and in person, and decided, it's not too late.  I am getting to know David better and better, by going to his memorial, reading his blog, and knowing people that he loved and loved him.  What a cool man!

So, David was my inspiration to start, today.  Start what?  Well, whatever sits on my enthusiasm and follow through.  Today...well today it was creating a blog.  Last night it was to create a Vision Board, manifesting the things I want in my life.  My favorite quote, on the board, is "Never have an ordinary day!"  I want to be more like David: love, laugh, play, and be vulnerable and courageous.

So, what about you?


  1. It's 10:46 a.m. I know it's only been an hour and 17 minutes since my last, my first post, but....well I could pretend that I don't care if anyone reads what I write...but I am about TRUTH, and the TRUTH is that I sent out lots of emails (that was very scary to do), announcing the new venture. Well anyway, I see that I have had two people come and ck it out -- wow! That's cool, Wendy and Molly. Now Molly, is not my granddaughter Molly, but my good friend Molly (she does have a great name though, doesn't she?).

    Okay, well nothing more to really say, except that I am inspired and jazzed and it is an awesome blue sky kinda day! Let's go out and play!

  2. I've been trying for an hour and 16 minutes to post a comment...and I'm still trying. You know that I don't give up easily. My motto is "if you fall seven times, get up eight." So what I wanted to say is what a great way to start today. I'm thrilled that you're turning it over in your heart. Wonderful first story, my friend!
    Might have to create a vision board for myself.
    I love the movies, but today I'm going to cuddle with a 2 month old instead. Great way to start a new year with new life...

  3. Bonjour Nonnie,comment allez vous? I'm still working on "Turn It Over." Not only the flip of a calendar, but the flip side of a year in review. I'm not interested in a rerun. I'm interested in what's ahead, not what's in the rearview mirror.

  4. love the not being interested in a rerun ;))
